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Moon Shine 2021

Each month the Moon makes a complete circuit of the zodiac, spending about 2 ½ days passing through each of the twelve astrological signs.  Tracking the Moon’s movement and phases – especially new and full Moons - can provide helpful timing information. 

  • When the Moon is new, it is in the same sign as the Sun.  It is not visible in the night sky, but it’s a great time to begin something that’s associated with the sign it is moving through.

  • When the Moon becomes a full, juicy orb, it is in the sign opposite the Sun. Something can come to completion that was started about six month ago when the Moon was new in the sign it is now moving through.


Eclipses are special new and full Moons.  They are created by the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth, and generally come in pairs, approximately two weeks apart. Although some consider eclipses to be “bad,” I, along with many others, believe that to be an outdated view that may have arisen from the shadows that are cast by the planets involved in the eclipses.  Instead, I see them as moments of opportunity and insight, because they are always associated with the new and full Moons:

  • Solar Eclipse is a “special” kind of new Moon.  The Sun and Moon are travelling close together, and the Moon blocks the light of the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth.  Solar eclipses are heightened times for new beginnings, and the results of the seeds planted under a solar eclipse can take several months to manifest.

  • Lunar Eclipse is a “special” kind of full Moon.  It happens when the Sun and Moon are opposite each other, and the Earth comes between them, casting a shadow on the Moon.  Lunar eclipses are heightened times for things to come to completion, and have a strong effect on the emotions and unconscious, asking us to examine what we are really feeling.  It’s a time when we can let go of old business and clear the decks for new undertakings. 


New and full Moons, and especially eclipses, are most fully understood when you know exactly where, by sign and house, they are falling in your own unique birth chart, but knowing the signs they are occurring in is important in itself. 


Blue Moon occurs when there are two Full Moons in a single month. 


Knowing when the Moon is Void (i.e. Void of Course) can be very helpful when making decisions or plans.  As mentioned above, the Moon changes signs approximately every 2 ½ days.  Between the time it leaves one sign and enters another, there is a period of varying length when the Moon is not making contact with any other planet.  That is, it is moving through the sky flying solo.  During this period, the Moon is called void.  Astrological wisdom advises that you should not try to initiate or finalize anything important during the time when the Moon is void because it won’t turn out as expected.  Many websites offer listing of the Void Moons.  Since I cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of anyone’s site other than my own, I won’t offer a link to any of them, but here are dates/times of some void moon periods (all EASTERN TIME) from the resource I use, Llewelyn’s Astrological Planner.  You can use these to compare with the information you find out on the web, and determine whether or not to use that resource:

On Friday, April 3, 2020, the Moon is void, or void-of-course, between 3:29 PM (EDT) when it leaves the sign of Leo and 5:18 PM (EDT) on Saturday, April 4, when it enters the sign of Virgo.

-->IMPORTANT:  Time zones matter when it comes to Void Moons.  If Pacific Time is listed in your reference, ADD 3 hours to get Eastern Time.   


The chart that follows lists the New and Full Moons, including eclipses, for 2021.  Check the second chart below, titled Signs and Suggestions, to get some insight into the kinds of experiences and activities that are associated with each lunar event.















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