Alice Claudia Loffredo
May 21, 1941 - July 8, 2024
Click here for Alice's obituary
Donation to Honor Alice Loffredo
Anyone wishing to honor Alice can make a donation in her name to a place that was near and dear to her heart: the Lakota Wolf Preserve in Warren County, NJ
(click here to donate directly). Thank you!

Introducing my latest book, Healing the Karmic Wounds: Pluto and Chiron
The November/December 2018 issue of Dell Horoscope Magazine, the largest popular astrology magazine in the country, has a review of Healing the Karmic Wounds. Here is the introduction to that review:
“My favorite books to review are the ones that have something to contribute to the literature at the same time that they show a mastery or appreciation of the material that has preceded them. In other words, the most commendable book builds on what we know actually works in astrology, takes concepts from the acknowledged masters, and gives them an updated and insightful, original twist. And, of course, it’s helpful if the material is well organized and clearly written.
Happily, this is precisely what astrologer Alice Loffredo brings us in her most recent text, Healing the Karmic Wounds, Pluto and Chiron.”
-Chris Lorenz
Click here to read the Dell Horoscope review.
Click here to read The Mountain Astrologer review.
Click here to read a small excerpt of Healing the Karmic Wounds.
Click here to order a signed copy, along with personal information about your own wounds.

To journey without being changed is to be a nomad.
To change without journeying is to be a chameleon.
To journey and to be transformed by the journey
is to be a pilgrim.
-Mark Nepo

Welcome, pilgrim! If you’ve happened upon this website, in all likelihood you’re open to the idea that astrology is a tool that can help you unlock the potential of your own one-in-more-than-a-million birth chart, and help guide you along the karmic pathway that leads to the achievement of your soul’s purpose. If you are such a pilgrim, then you and I are traveling together at this time. I’ve been a professional astrologer for more than twenty years now, and on this website I share some of what I’ve learned and experienced along the way on my own journey.
So, rest a while at this stop along your path, and explore the landscape of AstrologyKarmaAndYou.com at your leisure. Click on:
About Alice, Where's Alice?, Q&A, and Books to learn a little about me, my books, and what I'm up to these days;
What’s Up? to check on significant planetary events that are impacting the energies of all of us here on Planet Earth at this time;
Articles for an archive of articles on general astrological topics;
Perfect Together for a description of your karmic history and purpose based on the sign and house placement of the Moon’s nodes;
Your Astrological Compass: Navigating Life's Great Cycles for information regarding pivotal moments in your life time guided by Saturn, the planetary master teacher.
Click here to contact us. Let me know what you think, and what you’d like to see on the site. Add your name to our mailing list. Request a service. Pass the link along to a friend who might be interested. Click here to find links to create your own birthchart. Thanks for stopping by.